Surprises may await businesses regarding the license categories they operate under.
Understanding License Categories: A Potential Pitfall
Branches of a UAE company, particularly across different emirates, are viewed as extensions of the main head office license. Businesses holding additional licenses by merely tweaking names to include ‘branch’ risk being considered separate entities if not categorized correctly.
Small Business Relief Eligibility: A Consideration for Correct Categorization Correctly identifying license categories is paramount, especially for businesses seeking Small Business Relief (SBR). Incorrect categorization may raise questions about eligibility, particularly for businesses with the same management, financial resources, and bank account.
Overcoming Hesitancy: The Importance of Corporate Tax Registration Despite hesitations, business owners need to recognize the inevitability of corporate tax registration. Planning to liquidate a company in 2024 does not exempt it from registration obligations. Delays could result in penalties, emphasizing the importance of timely compliance.